Pumpkin Spice Baked Donuts

It's that time of the year: pumpkin spice time! For all you in the States, I know, I know, you've got pumpkin spice coming out of your ears. But here in Finland, the only pumpkin spice thing I've seen are Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Frappuccinos at Starbucks (and we've only had them for a few years). So please forgive me but when I saw this recipe on Pinterest I couldn't resist.

Pumpkin Spice Baked Donuts (makes 6 large or 12 small donuts)

3.1 dl (1.25 cups) flour
1.25dl (0.5 cup) packed brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
0.6dl (0.25 cup) pumpkin puree (I used canned)
35g (2.5 tbsp) butter, melted
1.25dl (0.5 cup) milk (any kind will do)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp nutmeg
a pinch of ground cloves

43g (3 tbsp) butter, melted

1.25dl (1 cup) sugar
1.5 tbsp cinnamon

1. Preheat oven to 175C (350F) and grease donut pan.
2. In a large mixing bowl, mix together pumpkin puree, melted butter and milk. Add all other ingredients and fold until just mixed. Don't over-mix.
3. Spoon or pipe mixture into greased donut pan. Bake for 10-11 min if making smaller donuts or about 18-20 min for larger donuts. They are ready when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
4. Cool for a few minutes and then remove to cool either on wire rack or on top of the pan.
5. If you're going to freeze these, do it before adding the cinnamon sugar coating. Otherwise while the donuts are cooling, melt the butter for the coating and leave in bowl.
6. In another bowl, mix cinnamon and sugar.
7. Dip donuts in butter and then cinnamon sugar mix to coat.
