Baked Salmon with an Apple Fennel Mint Salad and Goma (Miso Sesame) Dressing

I was inspired by a super yummy salad I had at the local sushi restaurant for lunch this past week so I decided to try to duplicate the dressing and do a version of the salad for dinner. I didn't have any gas in my kitchen torch so I baked the salmon instead of grilling it with the torch like in the original. I wanted a really fresh salad to cut through the fattiness of the salmon and thought of my favorite dish at one of my favorite restaurants Farang and sought inspiration from that.

Baked Salmon

slices of salmon according to the amount of people dining (100-200g (3.5-7 oz)/person is usually enough)
1/2 lemon
salt and pepper

1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C (350F)
2. Place slices of salmon in oven-safe dish, sprinkle salt and pepper on top. Slice lemon and place lemon slices on top of the salmon.
3. Bake for 15-20 mins depending on how well done you like your salmon.

Goma (Miso and Sesame) Dressing (serves 2)
2 tbsp white miso paste
1 1/4 tbsp water
1/2 tbsp sugar
3/4 tbsp rice wine vinegar
1/2 tsp light soy sauce
pinch salt
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1/2 tsp canola oil (it should have been peanut oil but I couldn't find it at the store)

1. Place all ingredients into a bowl and whisk together.

Apple Fennel Mint Salad (2 large portions)
1 green apple (I used Granny Smith)
1 handful of arugula
1 handful of mixed greens
10 radishes
1 small bulb of fennel

1. I used a food processor to chop everything super thin. You can use a mandolin or do it by hand. Which ever way you choose, chop up everything into whatever size pieces you want. Squeeze a little lemon juice on the apple so it doesn't go brown.
2. Place everything in a bowl and mix with about half of the dressing. Serve rest of the dressing on the side.
