Strawberry Passion Fruit & Apple Cinnamon Jam

Yummy, yummy, yummy homemade jam 😋 Here's the next post on the brunch from a few weeks back. The strawberry passion fruit jam I've made loads of and even given as Christmas gifts. I haven't found anyone who doesn't like it. My husband loves it with vanilla ice cream. I love it on toast. I felt like trying something new out so I tried out the apple cinnamon jam and was blown away! It basically tastes like apple pie filling and was sooo good over vanilla ice cream!

Before you start making these, please read the note below about sterilizing jam jars.

Strawberry Passion Fruit Jam

500g (17.6 oz) strawberries (I used frozen)
4 passion fruit
165g (5.8 oz) jam sugar* (I used this)

1. Place strawberries into pan. You can let them thaw a little before starting but I never remember to.
2. Split passion fruit and scoop contents into pan.
3. Add jam sugar.
4. Bring slowly to the boil and let simmer for about 5 min, stirring regularly.
5. Remove foam/froth and let stand for about 15 min before putting in hot, sterilized jars**.
6. Keep refrigerated. Remember this doesn't keep as long as store-bought jam due to the lack of preservatives.

Apple Cinnamon Jam

500g (17.6 oz) apples, peeled, cored and chopped
0.5 dl (1.7 fl oz) apple juice
1 cinnamon stick
165g (5.8 oz) jam sugar*

1. Place the apples, juice and cinnamon stick in a pot and simmer 5-10 min depending on the firmness of the apples.
2. Add jam sugar and bring to the boil. Simmer on low heat for 2-5 min.
3. Let cool for a moment, remove cinnamon stick and pour into hot, sterilized jars**. Store in refrigerator.

*jam sugar: sugar with pectin already mixed in. The one I use has a ratio of 1:3.
** before preserving jam, you must sterilize your jars! I like to put the jars in the dishwasher and time the making of the jam with the dishwasher program. The jars have to be hot, dry and clean when you you put the jam into them. There are loads of other ways of sterilizing them (boiling them etc) but I like this way.
