Super Yummy Green Smoothie

This is one of my fave smoothies and a great snack you don't have to feel guilty about having. It only takes a few minutes to make and I especially like it after a workout.

Super Yummy Green Smoothie (makes 1 large smoothie)

1 Granny Smith apple, cored
1 can (227g/8oz) pineapple chunks in own juice
1 handful spinach leaves
5 cm (2 inches) cucumber
fresh mint leaves to taste

1. Core apple and cut into small chunks. Cut cucumber into chunks.
2. Put pineapple (including juice from can), spinach, cucumber and mint into a blender and blend on high until smooth.
3. Add apple chunks and blend until smooth.
4. I put this in the freezer/refrigerator until cold but you can also drink it right away.


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